3D hexbins provide an interesting way to explore and visualize the geographical distribution of data points on a map.
Here are the steps you can take to implement 3D hexbins using Mapbox GL JS and Turf.js using geojson data (in ClojureScript)
First, we need to find the bounds the geojson data for which we would like to render hexbins.
(require '["@mapbox/geojson-extent" :as GeojsonExtent])
(def bounds (GeojsonExtent (clj->js geojson-data)))
(require '["@turf/hex-grid" :as hex-grid])
(def hexgrid
(clj->js bounds)
(or hexbin-radius min-radius)
#js {:units "kilometers"}))
(require '["@turf/collect" :as collect])
(def hex-bin-data
(-> geojson-data
"id" ;; this is useful if your geojson has a property called `id`
(defn count-hexbin-points
"Counts points collected into hexbins."
(for [{{:keys [points]} :properties, :as features} (:features hexbins)
:let [point-count (count points)]]
(when (pos? point-count)
(assoc features :properties {:point-count (* 100 point-count)}))))
(def clean-hexbin-data
(assoc hex-bin-data
:features (remove nil?
(count-hexbin-points hex-bin-data))))
We use the fill-extrusion layer type coupled with data driven styling for the height of each bin
In the following code, we accomplish this in a delarative maner using React Map GL's Source and Layer components
[:> Source {:id "hexbin", :type "geojson", :data clean-hexbin-data}
[:> Layer
{:id "hexbin-layer",
:type "fill",
:source "hexbin",
:paint {"fill-extrusion-base" 1,
"fill-extrusion-color" "#088",
"fill-extrusion-opacity" 0.6,
"fill-extrusion-height" ["get" "point-count"]}}]]